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Last updated on 24.07.2018 at 12:53.

Sally Siac

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Dog Information Sally Siac

Poils courts
Date de naissance:
08.11.2014 (9 ans)
Taille / Poids:
58.00 cm / 28.00 kg
Numéro du registre d'élevage:
CMKU/DS 96917/14
Numéro de puce:
Visible pour les membres inscrits
Fédération d'élevage:
Visible pour les membres inscrits
5CXQ1/P/HD-ZW 87(03-18)
Résultats de travail:
Visible pour les membres inscrits

You are the owner or you know him?
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You are the breeder or you know him?
Here you have the possibility to give information about the breeder or to invite him

You are the owner or you know him?
Here you have the possibility to give information about the owner or to invite him
You are the breeder or you know him?
Here you have the possibility to give information about the breeder or to invite him

Résultats en matière de santé Sally Siac


Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission.
Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
Please note that even health results prepared to the best of our knowledge and belief may always contain errors. These can occur both during sampling and in rare cases in the laboratory as well as during transmission. Please complete your entries with evidence by then.
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Ellenbogendysplasie (ED)
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Hüftdysplasie (HD)
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Pedigree Sally Siac

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Documents Sally Siac

no documents available

Vidéos Sally Siac 1

Images Sally Siac 7

Image of Sally Siac

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Image of Sally Siac

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Image of Sally Siac

Visible pour les membres inscrits

Image of Sally Siac

Visible pour les membres inscrits

Image of Sally Siac

Visible pour les membres inscrits

Image of Sally Siac

Visible pour les membres inscrits

Image of Sally Siac

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